The TV series Lie to Me, which premiered on Fox network in January 2009, is based on the principle of kinesics. In the series, Lightman Group, headed by Dr. Cal Lightman, a psychologist specializing in body language, assists in crime investigation through the concept of facial expressions (alias the Facial Action Coding System) and body language.
Premise: If there is an inconsistency between the verbal message (i.e., what is said) and the vocal and facial expressions (i.e., how it is said), we will rely primarily on the facial and the vocal cues for decoding the intended message. For example, in the case of sarcasm, while the message itself comprises positive words, the tone and manner in which the message is communicated is a dead giveaway.
Source: Nawal, M. (2011), Business Communication, Cengage Learning.
Premise: If there is an inconsistency between the verbal message (i.e., what is said) and the vocal and facial expressions (i.e., how it is said), we will rely primarily on the facial and the vocal cues for decoding the intended message. For example, in the case of sarcasm, while the message itself comprises positive words, the tone and manner in which the message is communicated is a dead giveaway.
Source: Nawal, M. (2011), Business Communication, Cengage Learning.